She sat huddled behind a dumpster in the dark disgusting back alley of
“Club Dead” while the rest of her crew where huddled behind the
dumpster directly across the alley from her. Drake, signaling for her
to stay put. She rolled her eyes and looked back to the front of the
The freezing rain pelted down upon the creature. Lightning shattered the darkness and she could see his unearthly form hunched over the body of a local drug dealer. He had not yet sensed their presence in his determination to pick every last piece of meat from the poor bastards bones. She silently reached over her shoulder to slide the nearly three foot solid silver sword with it's ornately jeweled handle from her back sheath. She glanced across to Drake where he was steadily shaking his head and glaring at her. The rest
of the squad made like they would fall out after her when she gave
them the order to stand down. Drake glared at her even harder.
“Karma! What the hell are you doing?” She heard him question through their shared mental link. She stepped sideways from behind the dumpster toward the center of the alley, Her sword steady by her side.
“My job Drake.” She answered him in the same way. “Now back off and let
me do it.” she finished firmly and broke the link. She didn't have time for Drake and his constant worrying. She stared up to the front of the alley where the Wolfe was still devouring it's prey. Right here. Outside of a club no less.
This was the part of her job that she loved. She thought, as the knowledge of what was to come and the smell of the drug dealers blood
made its way to her nostrils.
“Well X” She said mentally to her sword. “Let's jack this asshole up.”
She felt her arm vibrate and took that as X's approval. Her fangs
sprang free in anticipation as she cleared her throat. The Wolfe's
ears perked up and his head jerked in her direction. He stood from
his victim and faced her. Karma stood with her legs spread and her
sword relaxed at her side. Ready but not overly worried. She could
take this newbie prick in her sleep.
“Well Now” The creature said in it's ghastly growling voice. “What
deliciousness do we have here?” He finished with a disgusting smirk
on his beastly face that almost made her forget about protocol and
lop this perverts head off right this minute.
“ It has been brought to the attention of the Queen, that you have not
been following the bylaws of The Appropriate Behavior of
Supernaturals (TABS) manual.” She told the creature as he snarled
at her. “Those laws were set forth for a reason. They must be
followed at all costs.” Karma Finished firmly, Not a hitch in her
voice. She was not afraid of this....abomination. She knew who she
was. She knew who’s blood ran within her veins. Never mind that her
parents would not let her do her job without a force of knights to
back her up. All of whom at this current moment are cowering in the
back of the alley behind a dumpster, while she ( the one who isn’t
ready to do a job decreed to her by the goddess herself!) Stands
absolutely fearless in the face of this disgusting attempt at a supernatural creature.

When will book 2 be available?