Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Man Candy blog hop #19. Magic Mike is almost here!!!!

In honor of Magic Mike. I give you Channing Fucking Tatum!!!!!!!!!

Oh hell yeah! I just loved this picture!!!!
Rugged Channing is so yummy!
GQ Channing is so pretty.
Channing when he hasn't been working out so hard and has a little belly.  Proving that he can look hot at anytime!
Huba Huba. If he can do that, I wonder how easily he can pick up a lday and slam her back down on the bed.
I am so waiting!!!!!!


  1. I LOVE Channing Fucking Tatum. Lol.

  2. Wow! Great choice. Luving Channing. OMG I never seen him with a little belly. All good he is still sexy!

    Have a great week
    My Man Candy Monday

    1. I stole your button for my blog. Just so ya know.


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