The fight seemed to last forever and more
kept coming. Kenneth could have sworn that there was only twenty to
start with. He had taken out at least ten on his own and there were
still more. They were tiring fast. He knew that they should have
brought more people. He turned when he saw a flash to his right a bit
to late to deflect the blow to his leg. It hurt like hell and the
vampire paid dearly for that pain. The cut was very deep. A little
more and that bastard would have cut his whole leg off!
He was tired
now from the physical exertion and he was quickly bleeding out. He
needed to get the wound wrapped until he could feed enough to close
it. He wasn't sure how much longer he could last. From the corner of
his eye he caught a glimpse of the witches filling out into a line.
Get back! He screamed. Just then he felt the entire ground shaking.
All fighting stopped as everyone turned to look at the women. Their
hair seemed to blow back on an invisible breeze. Their eyes seemed to
glow as they held hands. Kenneth felt the last of his strength going
and he nearly fell to the ground. He had the feeling that they were
using their powers to combine with his and the others of the force.
Kenneth knew that something bad was fixing to happen.
out of here!”
He mentally sent to the others. As soon as they flashed out of the
parameter there was a huge beam of light that covered the entirety of the camp. Kenneth could smell burning vampire and knew
that anyone who stayed behind was gone. As soon as he felt that it
was safe, he and the others flashed back. The women were still
standing side by side with their hands linked. Kenneth stepped
forward. “Stop!”
The one in the center said with her hand held out. Kenneth stopped
short. “Identify
She said.
mean you no harm.”
Kenneth started.
don't believe you.” She
stated sounding bored.
have come to help you.”
He said. “We
want to take you to a safe place. We have other like you that we have
rescued and now protect.”
will not go with you.”
She said with finality.
mean only to protect you.”
stated. The air grew still again and the women started to lift off
the ground. Kenneth could feel his energy ebbing away at a rapid
force. He looked at the others and could tell by their expressions
that theirs was going as well. “Try
to leave”
sent out and he could also tell that they were unable. This was going
to hurt. Kenneth thought to himself.
Just as he was bracing himself
for impact, he felt strange warmth on his face. He opened his eyes
and was amazed to see Ailis. Well an apparition of her at least. He
didn't even know that she could do that. She was surrounded by light
and all but floating! The women immediately fell to one knee and bowed
their heads while Kenneth stood there, his mouth agape trying to think past the brightness of the light radiating from her. .

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