Tuesday, May 7, 2013

#IndieAuthor Spotlight of Misha Burnett @MishaBurnett Author of Catskinner's Book (The Book Of Lost Doors, vol 1)

Misha Burnett

The Title of his Work or Group:

Catskinner's Book (The Book Of Lost Doors, vol 1)

Where is Misha from? 
St. Louis, Missouri

What genre gets to claim him?
 Speculative fiction

In Misha's own words, what is his book about? 
James is a nice guy with an alien killer living in his head. Godiva is a nice girl who is half-plant. Can they find true love together, and why is everyone trying to kill them? 

What is his writing style? Does Misha follow all guides and rules? Synopsis, outline etc. or does he just sit down at the computer and type to see what happens. 
I write and rewrite in my head, and then type it out. 

Has he ever written anything and thought; " The world has got to see this!" ? 
Not so much. 

Does he have an editor and Cover Designer or does he do this himself? 
My editor is my mother, but she's a real editor who has freelanced in the business for decades. I designed the cover myself, using a photograph that my roommate took of my hands. 

Who is Misha's favorite author. Not just someone that he read allot. but whose book he read that made him suddenly know that if he didn't do this for the rest of hir life then he would never be happy.  
Phillip K. Dick. Also Tim Powers, William S. Burroughs, and Samuel Delany. And G. K. Chesterton. Oh, and T. S. Eliot, too. 

Is there anything Misha finds particularly challenging in his writing? 
Finding time and energy to do it. 

Does write his characters or do they write themselves through him? 
A little of both. I tell them what to do, and sometimes they listen. 

Is writing his full time job or is he "Keeping his day job"? So to speak. 
I work a full time day job. I hope someday to be able to support myself with my writing. 

If Misha could go back in time and meet one famous person or legend in history, who would it be? 
G. K. Chesterton 

There are millions of new books released every year. What in his mind makes Catskinner's Book (The Book Of Lost Doors, vol 1)  stand out from all those millions in its genre? 
I set out to create an entirely new mythology--an urban fantasy world without vampires or werewolves or any of the usual tropes of the genre. 

In the world of Indie, marketing is very difficult, especially if you don't have the funds to pay for it. Has he found a great free way to market his work that he thinks other Indies will benefit from? 
StoryCartel.com offers readers free downloads in exchange for honest reviews--I got the best return of any promotion I have done through them. 

Links to find and follow Misha's work:

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