Pen Name:
G H Neale
Humanoid Name Graeme Neale
The Title of Your Work or Group:
Work in progress is called Arriba
1st novel is called Archipelago
Where are you from? Does not have to be the name of the place exactly. You can say Hick-ville Florida, for example if you are more comfortable with that.
The Independent Republic of Kent
In what genre do you write?
Philosophical-literary fiction
In your own words, what is your book about? If you were not the author and trying to explain this awesome book you just read to a friend, what would you say about it?
ARCHIPELAGO is a metaphorical fugue of dissonance that conflates, and confronts, supra-realities with the ineffable nature of language. It contains a thematic exposé of the philosophical problems of language and as such it presents itself through a meta-fictional, post-modern kaleidoscope. It is a whole roller coaster of text and should not be read by those who have difficulties with equilibrioception.
What is your writing style? Do you follow all guides and rules? Synopsis, outline etc. or do you just sit down at the computer and type to see what happens.
My style is essential best described as, “making simple concepts more complex than they ought to be.” Everything is outlined and I see myself as a ‘constructivist,’ merely filling in the sections.
Have you ever written anything and thought; " The world has got to see this!" ?
Yes, although the world is an inordinately vast place so fulfilling the true objective is problematic
Do you have an editor and Cover Designer or do you do this yourself?
I have an editor, who is superb and attentive. The cover for my first novel was supplied by a fine artist and I am grateful to her.
Who is your favorite author? Not just someone that you read allot. I wanna know whose book you read that made you suddenly know that if you didn't do this for the rest of your life then you would never be happy.
Flann O’Brien and, on occasion, I try to emulate his style.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Saying, “Enough and finished”
Do you write your characters or do they write themselves through you?
All characters are fully outlined before the main work begins. I find this makes matters much easier and assists with consistency.
Do you ever write yourself into the characters?
I think all authors do, so yes.
Is writing your full time job or are you "Keeping your day job"? So to speak.
Writing is my full time job, writing novels isn’t though.
If you could go back in time and meet one famous person or legend in history, who would it be?
My grandparents and advise them to stop whilst the going was good
There are millions of new books released every year. What in your mind makes yours stand out from all those millions in your genre?
The unusual qualities of it. I see little or no point in trying to engage in the tradition of English Literature. Do we need another Jane Austen? Essentially: “make it new.”
In the world of Indie, marketing is very difficult, especially if you don't have the funds to pay for it. Have you found a great free way to market your work that you think other Indies will benefit from?
No, I struggle with this aspect.
Now give me your links so we can get people to your book sites!
Twitter: @ghneale
A great review here:

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